Page References for Creating a Syllabus
Here are the page references for the various parts of the book
(useful when you are creating a syllabus):
Experiment: Supply and Demand
instructions: pp 3-8
lab report: pp 9-20
discussion: pp 21-38
homework: pp 39-52
Experiment: Shifting Supply and Demand
instructions: pp 53-56
lab report: pp 57-68
discussion: pp 69-78
homework: pp 79-88
Experiment: A Sales Tax
instructions: pp 91-94
lab report: pp 95-104
discussion: pp 105-114
homework: pp 115-124
Experiment: Prohibition
instructions: pp 125-130
lab report: pp 131-144
Experiment: A Minimum Wage
instructions: pp 145-150
lab report: pp 151-164
discussion: pp 165-170
homework: pp 171-176
Experiment: Externalities
instructions: pp 179-182
lab report: pp 183-188
discussion: pp 189-200
homework: pp 201-208
Experiment: Monopolies and Cartels
instructions: pp 209-218
lab report: pp 219-226
discussion: pp 227-238
homework: pp 239-242
Experiment: Entry and Exit
instructions: pp 245-250
lab report: pp 251-256
discussion: pp 257-264
homework: pp 265-270
Experiment: Measuring Productivity
instructions: pp 271-274
lab report: pp 275-276
discussion: pp 277-278
homework: pp 279-282
Experiment: Comparative Advantage
instructions: pp 283-288
lab report: pp 289-294
discussion: pp 295-306
homework: pp 307-310
Experiment: Adverse Selection
instructions: pp 313-318
lab report: pp 319-324
discussion: pp 325-334
homework: pp 335-344
Experiment: Auctions
instructions: pp 345-352
lab report: pp 353-358
discussion: pp 359-368
homework: pp 369-372
Experiment: Bargaining
instructions: pp 373-380
lab report: pp 381-390
discussion: pp 391-398
homework: pp 399-401
Copyright (c) 1996, Theodore Bergstrom and John H. Miller, All Rights Reserved
John H. Miller , miller@zia.hss.cmu