Santa Fe Institute 2006 Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity

Homework 1: Optimal Group Size in Aircraft Boarding?


July 11, 2006


Nils Bertschinger and Mary Shenk



Model Overview


Goal:  Efficient (quicker) boarding of aircraft.

Optimizing:  Costs of Airline, Comfort of Passengers

General Assumptions: 

§        Perfect order of seating yielding quickest time to departure.

§        Perfect seating order begins in rear of aircraft and moves forward row by row.


Main Variables:

1.   Time outside the aircraft (boarding)

2.   Time inside the aircraft (seating)


Initial Formula (for boarding and seating time when passengers enter plane in groups of size g): 

[b(g)g + s(g)g] N/g = [b(g) +s(g)] N


b(g) = boarding time per person when boarded in a group of size g

s(g) = seating time per person when in a group of size g

g = group size

N = number of passengers (100)


Outcome:  minimize time per person (plotted on y axis) on group size (plotted on x axis)





Boarding procedure (model assumptions):

§        Agent calls group of people for boarding.

§        Members of group enter line based on distance from ticket checking area. Walking times are assumed to be uniformly distributed between 0.5 and 2.

§        Fixed time of ticket checking = 0.2 units.

§        As soon as someone is getting faster to the line than ticket checking occurs for the person before her, a line forms.

§        When a queue forms, time to boarding becomes linear, since everyone has to wait for the person before her to be boarded and is then boarded in a fixed time (see above).




As groups get larger, boarding time per person approaches the fixed amount of time for ticket checking.  This is due to queue formation, which absorbs much of the variation in travel time which affects the boarding time per person for small groups.  These findings indicate an ideal strategy of seating the entire plane as one large group (considering only boarding time).



Seating Version 1: Seating within Groups


Position numbers refer to a person’s place in the ideal boarding order, ranging from 1-100 starting in the back of the plane.  The order of position numbers within groups is assumed to be random since people arrive according to their place in the waiting area as described in the section on boarding.


Seating procedure 1:

§        The person first in line is seated while anyone with lower position numbers (and those behind them) are blocked from seating and forced to wait.

§        Anyone with a higher position number than the first person in line can be seated unless they are blocked by a lower number person.

§        Once the first person and those with higher position numbers are seated, the cycle repeats with the next person in line as the first person.

§        It takes a fixed amount of time for one person to seat (1 unit).

§        People who seat in one cycle all sit in parallel (no lag).


Example of how algorithm works

§        2 3 1 5 4 ... (position numbers of people entering the plane (round 1))

§        2 can sit since she is the first person in the line

§        3 can sit since she has a seat behind 2 and is therefore not blocked

§        1 and all persons behind are blocked by 3

§        therefore 2 and 3 sit down in parallel in round 1, all others have to wait

§        1 5 4 ... (position numbers of people not seated after round 1)

§        1 and 5 can sit down in parallel in round 2, whereas 4 (and all persons behind are still blocked)

§        4 ... (position numbers of people at the beginning of round 3)

§        ...


Same in shorter notation that will be utilized later:

§        2 3 1 5 4 ...

§        s s|1 5 4 ...

§        1 5 4 ...

§        s s|4 ...

§        4 ...




As group size increases, average boarding time per person approaches 0.5 units.  This decrease is most likely due to the increased likelihood of parallel seating in larger groups. These findings indicate an ideal strategy of seating the entire plane as one large group.



Seating Version 2:  Seating Groups in Semi-Parallel



§        Group 2 is called as soon as Group 1 has passed ticket checking so they are in line directly behind Group 1.

§        Group 2 only waits in the aisle while Group 1 is still larger than ‘l’ persons. When group 1 becomes smaller they stop blocking Group 2’s seating area.  This parameter can be interpreted as a measure of the amount of space available on the plane (e.g. number of aisles, width of aisles).


The same boarding procedure as above is used, but instead of calculating the average time it takes to seat the whole group, we estimate the average time until a group becomes shorter than ‘l’ persons.




The black line on the top part of the graph indicates the results for l = 0, which are the same as the results discussed above.  Lines for l = 1, 2, 5, and 10 appear successively on the bottom half of the graph.  These results indicate that the longer the line can be before blocking the next group from seating, the more quickly seating will occur.  This is a clear reversal of the patterns found in previous simulations, and suggests an ideal strategy of individual or small group seating.



Total Time to Board and Seat


When run in parallel, the boarding algorithm usually takes much less time to run than either version of the seating algorithm and thus dominates the results.  Because of this, we decided to concentrate on seating algorithms as the key determinants of the speed at which a plane can be boarded.



Seating Version 3: Seating Groups in Blocks


Our previous simulations focused on the dynamics of single groups and the interactions between groups.   Since the idea presented above can model the group interactions only to a limited degree, a more realistic way to approach the problem is to run the model described above with the prescribed number of 100 passengers organized into blocks of size g. Passenger positions are randomized within blocks, but not between blocks.




These results indicate that average boarding time increases with group size, once again suggesting an ideal strategy of boarding the plane individually or in small groups.



Seating Version 4: Seating Blocks in Parallel



Same as before, except:

§        Parallel seating is allowed if the passenger’s position (s) is sufficiently far away from the person blocking (b) the passenger.

§        We take into account the number of people waiting in the aisle between person b and person s (x) and a factor (l) modeling the amount of space in the plane.


Example of how the algorithm works (for l = 2):

§        2 3 1 5 8 9 6 ...

§        s s|1 5 s s 6 ...             1 is blocked, since 3 > 1

  5 is blocked, since she not sufficiently far away from 3:

          x = 1, since 1 is waiting in between

          difference of positions (5 – 3) is not larger than  l x = 2

   8 can sit, since she is sufficiently far away from 3:

          here, x = 2, since 1 and 5 are waiting in between

          (8 – 3) > l x = 4

   9 can sit, since 8 < 9

   6 is blocked, since 9 > 6

§        1 5 6 ...



The lines above represent the effects of parallel seating of blocks with successively higher measures of space in the plane (l).  Blue represents l = 1, which is similar to the results above in suggesting that small boarding parties are more efficient.  However, successive values of l (2, 4, and 10) indicate the increasing efficiency of larger boarding parties.  Here the ideal strategy regarding boarding party size is dependent on the number of passengers in one group who can stand in line without blocking the group behind them.  Perhaps obviously, these results also indicate that planes with roomier or multiple aisles (low values of l) are likely to board more quickly in general than those with less space for waiting.



Seating Version 5: Seating Blocks in Parallel with Cheating


This final version of our seating algorithm explores the results of ‘cheating’ by passengers who do not board the plane with their assigned blocks but instead join the queue randomly.



§        Same as before, except a small fraction (p) of passengers are randomly assigned new positions in the queue without respect to their block membership.

§        The factor indicates the likelihood of cheating; small factors mean less cheating while large factors indicate more.





From these two sample graphs showing results for l = 1 and l = 4 we can tell that higher rates of cheating move the boarding time towards the time required for a large group since the group structure gets perturbed.  The blue line in each graph represents 0 cheating, the red line indicates p = .2, and the black line indicates p = .5.





Our simulations showed that boarding time did not seem to be a major bottleneck factor.  As soon as queues are formed, it becomes efficient.  Seating time showed much more promise as a factor in efficient loading of an aircraft, however most of our results indicated that either very small boarding groups (individuals) or very large boarding groups (100 passengers) were most efficient.  In general, calling the passengers in groups did not show meaningful effects.






a)  We have errors in computation we haven’t found, or

b)  Our model isn’t as sensible as we think it is, or

c)   We are missing some key factors in our simulations, or

d)  Boarding group size really doesn’t matter and the airlines simply employ them for inscrutable reasons of their own.



Future Directions


Our model could (easily) be improved to incorporate row and column structure of the seat layout by using a suitable position numbering scheme.  Further extensions could involve incorporating baggage storage and passenger walking speed.

However, an alternative approach is also suggested by our model.  The abstract approach relates the problem of boarding a plane to the mathematical problem of finding an incomplete (here a group-structured) ordering that optimizes a certain performance measure (here seating time) that depends on sequence order. This might allow for analytical investigations as compared to the simulation results presented here.