A Fire Escape Model with Flexible Agent Rules

By Laszlo Gulyas, Scott Moser, and Jason Woodard
July 16, 2003

1. Introduction

The primary goal of our model was to produce realistic agent behavior using simple rules that might be generated by an adaptive process. In our experiments, we focused on the relationship between agents’ range of perception (“vision”) and their collective ability to escape the fire. We found that 20/20 vision can be both a blessing and a curse: a blessing, of course, because highly perceptive agents are more likely to be able to locate an escape route; a curse because crowding and herd behavior may lead agents into danger as they stampede toward an exit on the other side of it. Moreover, intermediate levels of vision can lead to disaster, as explained below.

2. Model

We made the following assumptions.

2.1 Topology and Physics

There are two primary ingredients to the model: the room in which the “action” takes place, and the agents that act and react in the room. We assume a square room in which agents, doors, fires and obstacles may be located on a square lattice. This geometry is not endemic to the model; we could equally have used a hexagonal lattice, for example. The room is bounded by a wall and contains several doors, fires and obstacles. Each cell may contain only one object.

The room also contains agents, which may move to a neighboring cell on the lattice at a rate of at most one cell per time step. Agents’ decisions are simultaneous, which we implemented using a double buffering scheme. Only one object may occupy a cell at a time. Agents may not move to a space occupied by a wall. Moving to a space occupied by fire is fatal.

2.2 Agent Perception and Actions

Agent behavior is governed by one of two modes. In “normal mode,” agents move according to a random walk. In “emergency” mode, agents move according to the decision rule described in the next section. Agents have limited vision, defined by a perception parameter for each agent, which is simply the maximal distance at which the agent may observe objects in the room. As we will see, the range of vision will play a key role in the behavior of the agents.

An agent enters “emergency” mode when it sees a fire or another agent in emergency mode. (We assume an agent’s state is transparent to the other agents.) Once in emergency mode, the agents attempt to avoid the fire and escape the room.

2.3 Decision Rules

In emergency mode, agents react to the information available them with the goal of exiting the room as quickly as possible without touching the fire. In each time period, each agent perceives its neighborhood, obtaining the following information about the cells in its range of perception:
Each component of the information an agent has available can be represented as a vector. Given this information, an agent transforms and aggregates the information vectors to choose its action. For example, given the direction of the fire and the direction of the door (if both are in the agent’s perceptual range), a sensible decision rule might be “move away from the fire and toward the door.” The generality of these decision rules allows for the exploration of emergent decision rules, though the evolution of such rules is not implemented here. For the experiments we performed, agents aggregated information in the following way: agents go toward the door, away from the fire, and in the general direction of the neighboring agents, all having equal weight. In addition, there is a stochastic element to the decision rule: a random vector is incorporated into the agent’s action with equal weight to the other factors.

In addition to the agent decision rules, there are physical constraints enforced by the model. For instance, if a move is invalid (if an agent attempts to walk into wall, for example), the agent moves to a random unoccupied adjacent cell if possible; if this is not possible, the agent does not move.

3. Results

Our results are mainly qualitative, but informal exploration leads us to believe that they are repeatable and robust to some degree of variation in the model parameters.

3.1 Perfect vs. Limited Vision

Our first experiments focused on the effect of different ranges of vision. In all of these runs, the room consisted of a 50x50 square grid with walls on the boundaries, and a 4 cell-long exit on the top-left corner. The fire occupied a small 2x2 square in the middle of the room and the agents were initially randomly located. The experiments had 100 agents instead of the 20 prescribed by the problem description. The reason for this choice was to improve the “visibility” of the results, but the phenomena were qualitatively similar in the case of 20 agents, too.

Perfect Information

Granting the agents enough vision to see across the room from one corner to the other resulted in most agents escaping the fire, as shown in Movie 1 .

The yellow dots represent walls, the green ones stand for the door, while the red ones for the fire. Agents are represented with either white or blue dots, depending on of their awareness of the fire. The time series graph plots the number of agents who managed to escape and the number of deaths against time.

It seems clear from the movie that the agents’ ability to see the exit from any location in the room helps them to take an efficient path toward the door. However, once near the door the behavior becomes less determinate. Part of this is due to crowding; part may also result from the loss of precision that occurs when converting the real-valued directional vectors into discrete steps on the lattice.

A look at Chart 1 also tells us that some agents die, which happens when they step on a cell on fire. That is, some agents march right through the fire, when their aim to the exit and their urge to herd take over their aversion to fire.

Limited Information: Low Vision

The runs reported in Movie 2 and Chart 2 were carried out with the same parameters as above, except that the agents’ vision was set to 10. This means that their moves were based on information from a (2*10+1) x (2*10+1) “window” around their current location. Naturally, agents located in corners of the room had even less information to use for their decisions.

This limited amount of information, however, did not prevent the agents from escaping successfully. Indeed, all of them managed to safely reach the exit, and, as testified by the time series graph, this time without casualties. The reason for this is that not being able to see the exits, their aversion to fire balanced their urge to follow the crowd.

Limited Information: Middle Vision

In the last two sections we saw that agents operate well under conditions of both full information and constrained vision. Now, let’s see what happens if we endow the agents with an intermediate level of vision. The simulations reported in Movie 3 and Chart 3 were carried out with the same parameters as in the two above runs, except for the vision, which was set to 25. That is, an agent located in the middle of the room could see all the objects in it, but the farther away from the center it moved, the fewer objects that were visible.

The outcome of the simulation is somewhat surprising. The majority of the agents fail to escape the room. Instead, they crowd in the three corners without exits. (More precisely, they crowd in all corners, but the ones happened to be close to the exit leave the room easily.) While the fire does not spread in our model, and thus these agents technically survive, we consider this behavior as failure, since the behavioral goal of the agents was to find the exit; one could also say that these agents will eventually die of smoke poisoning.

The reason for the failure is that the agents in the corner cannot see the exits, so the only other applicable rules are to follow the crowd and avoid the fire. Since the ones a little bit off the corner can actually see the fire, they tend to move towards the corner, yielding an average crowd direction that prevents others escaping from it.

Limited Information: Low to Middle Vision

The suprising results of the previous section told us that under special conditions, it may actually be more beneficial to know less. To underscore this point, we report on another run, where the vision of the agents was uniformly distributed between 1 and 25. That is, the most knowledgeable agents had the same level of information as in the previous section, but there were also agents who knew less.

As the results in Movie 4 and Chart 4 show, having lower vision actually helps. A majority of the agents escape the room, leaving only a few of them behind. It can be seen that the agents start to crowd in the corners as before, but then they gradually pull out and find alternative routes. The reason for this is that having fewer agents that can see the fire from near-corner locations changes the average direction of the crowd.

3.2 Coordination and Crowding

The main lesson from the experiments so far is that the range of vision affects the agents’ performance, sometimes in a counterintuitive way. We want to emphasize another, more obvious, aspect of these results that we have not yet discussed, namely that in most cases the agents show coordinated behavior. In particular, they tend to move in groups. Also, they seem to move in ways that resemble “meaningful” searching behavior. (Recall especially Movies 2 and 4.) These patterns are not surprising, as we designed the behavioral rules to generate them, but it is still gratifying to see them produced.

Furthermore, in some cases we observe crowding—another phenomenon to be expected in a highly populated room on fire. Movie 1 shows this effect, although it is partly due to the discretization of directions, as mentioned above. The effect is more pronounced in the part of Movie 2 when the “last group” of agents gets to the door. Here agents can be seen clearly to pile up at the door, temporarily unable to get out.

To demonstrate this point even further, we ran another simulation, with the parameters of the run shown in Movie 2, except that we limited the size of the exit to a single cell in the top-left corner of the room. The results of this run can be seen in Movie 5 and Chart 5 .

It is clear that the smaller size of the door forces the agents to wait at the exit. The effect is reienforced by the fact that the size of the door does not affect the agents’ ability to approach the exit, but only prevents them from taking the final escaping step. We believe that this can serve as a primitive model of stampedes as well, except that we don’t explicitly model death brought on by fellow agents.

Movie 5 displays another piece of novel behavior. What happens is that the agents that are forced to wait at the exit eventually grow “inpatient” and continue their search. There not being any other way of escape, they finally get back to where they were before, and crowd again, eventually all of them getting out. Leaving the jammed exit to explore elsewhere seems fairly realistic, and can even be seen as rational. On the other hand, the full circle this “impatient” group of agents makes around the circle is a bit strange. While one could try to interpret it as “panicking,” it may be more accurately described as an undesirable artifact of the agents’ decision rules.

3.3 Other Experiments

We experimented with several other aspects of the model also.

Input Weights

We tried different weights for the perceptual inputs before settling on a uniform weighting. Extreme values made a difference but did not seem particularly natural, while a range of intermediate values produced qualitatively similar behavior. We still believe it would be interesting to evolve these rules, but did not see further benefit to hand-tuning them.

Alarm Propagation

We included a separate parameter governing the ability of agents to perceive each other’s state. Under low values of this parameter, news of the fire spreads slowly. A high value simulates the effect of an alarm bell that rings when the fire starts and is heard immediately by all agents. Although very low values did affect the pattern of agent behavior (especially under higher values of the main perception parameter), the effects diminished rapidly under higher values. We decided not to explore the low-value case more extensively, as it seemed unnatural to imagine that agents would be less able to perceive other agents’ distress than other aspects of their environment.

Fire Spreading

We also tried allowing the fire to spread. This did not seem to affect our basic results, but did allow some agents with middle-range vision to successfully escape. See Movie 6 and Chart 6 .

4 Future Directions

Clearly there is much more one could do; a very partial list follows.


Chart 1
Chart 1  |  back

Chart 2
Chart 2  |  back

Chart 3
Chart 3  |  back

Chart 4
Chart 4  |  back

Chart 5
Chart 5  |  back

Chart 6
Chart 6  |  back

Source Code

Our code, written in Java using the RePast agent-based modeling toolkit, is available here .