

(* sets number of agents in model*)

n = 21;

time = 100;


(* defines matrix of social attributes for agents*)

att = Table[Random[], {n}, {2}] ;


(* defines matrix of extroversion/introversion for agents*)


e = n ;

strangers = Module[{i, v, perm},

      v = Table[0, {n}] ;

      perm = RandomPermutation[n] ;

      For[i = 1, i <= e, i++, v[[perm[[i]]]] = .4] ;

      v] ;




(* defines matrix of existing acquaintance network between agents*)

d = 0.5;

inetwork = Module[{net, i, j} ,

      net = Table[0, {n}, {n}] ;

      For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,

        For[j = i + 1, j <= n, j++,

          If[Random[] < d, net[[i, j]] = 1]]] ;

      net = net + Transpose[net] ;

      net] ;





(* creates distance between agents based on social attributes*)

dist[i_, j_] :=

    Sqrt[(att[[i, 1]] - att[[j, 1]])^2 + (att[[i, 2]] - att[[j, 2]])^2] ;

distance = Table[dist[i, j], {i, n}, {j, n}] ;

(* probability agents continue interacting based on social distance*)

proba[d_] := (1/(d + 1))^3 ;




neighbor[int_, i_] := Module[{j},

      j = 1 ;

      While[int[[i, j]] == 0, j++] ;

      j ] ;


intstep[net_, i_, j_] := Module[{p, network},

      p = proba[distance[[i, j]]] ;

      network = net ;

      If[Random[] < p,

        network[[i, j]] = 1 ;

        network[[j, i]] = 1,

        network[[i, i]] = 1 ;

        network[[j, j]] = 1];

      network ] ;


singlestep[cnetwork_, int_, net_, i_] :=

    Module[{network, j, perm, jp, test, p},

      network = net ;

      perm = RandomPermutation[n] ;

      j = 1 ;

      test = False ;

      While[ Not[test] && j <= n,

        jp = perm[[j]] ;


          int[[jp, jp]] == 1 && Sum[net[[jp, k]], {k, 1, n}] == 0 && jp != i,


          If[cnetwork[[i, jp]] == 0, p = strangers[[i]],

            p = proba[distance[[i, jp]]]];

          If[Random[] < p, network[[i, jp]] = 1 ; network[[jp, i]] = 1 ;

            test = True]] ;

        j++] ;

      If[! test, network[[i, i]] = 1] ;

      network] ;



(* function creates pattern of interactions for upcoming round *)

nextstep[cnetwork_, int_] := Module[{i, j, net, ip, perm} ,

      net = Table[0, {n}, {n}] ;

      perm = RandomPermutation[n] ;

      For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,

        ip = perm[[i]] ;

        If[Sum[net[[ip, j]], {j, 1, n}] == 0,

          If[int[[ip, ip]] == 0,

            j = neighbor[int, ip] ;

            net = intstep[net, ip, j],

            net = singlestep[cnetwork, int, net, ip]]]] ;

      net] ;


process[time_] := Module[{t, cnetwork, frequency, int},

      cnetwork = inetwork ;

      frequency = Table[0, {n}, {n}] ;

      int = IdentityMatrix[n] ;

      For[t = 1, t <= time, t++,

        int = nextstep[cnetwork, int] ;

        cnetwork = cnetwork + int ;

        frequency = frequency + int ] ;

      frequency] ;




alone[f_] := Module[{i, rep},

      rep = 0 ;

      For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,

        rep = rep + f[[i, i]]] ;

      rep] ;


density[f_] := Module[{i, j, rep},

      rep = 0 ;

      For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,

        For[j = i + 1, j <= n, j++,

          If[f[[i, j]] > 0, rep = rep + 1]]] ;

      rep ] ;






data1 = Table[0, {32}] ;

data2 = Table[0, {32}] ;

data3 = Table[0, {32}] ;

k = 1 ;


For[e = 0, e <= n, e = e + 5,

    strangers = Module[{i, v, perm},

        v = Table[0, {n}] ;

        perm = RandomPermutation[n] ;

        For[i = 1, i <= e, i++, v[[perm[[i]]]] = .4] ;

        v] ;

    Print["Number of extrovert ", e] ;

    For[d = 0, d <= .5, d = d + .1,

      inetwork = Module[{net, i, j} ,

          net = Table[0, {n}, {n}] ;

          For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,

            For[j = i + 1, j <= n, j++,

              If[Random[] < d, net[[i, j]] = 1]]] ;

          net = net + Transpose[net] ;

          net] ;

      pro = process[time] ;

      data1[[k]] = density[inetwork] ;

      data2[[k]] = density[pro] ;

      data3[[k]] = alone[pro] ;

      k++]] ;





Export["data1.dat", data1]

Export["data2.dat", data2]

Export["data3.dat", data3]